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Welcoming cities

08 June 2017

Welcoming cities

By Andrée Ménard, m.i.c.


Since always, immigrants have chosen to make their new homes in large cities. In the area of Côte-des-Neiges, in Montreal, they comprise 70% of the population. Their presence in their new surroundings inspires far-reaching effects. Their economic and cultural contributions are considerable but they experience difficulty in finding their place in society and in the Church.

Since my return from Japan in 1986, this situation challenged me without end. With three young lay collaborators, I set up, in 1988, in Montreal, the organism PROMIS (Promotion – Intégration – Société Nouvelle). A nonprofit, multicultural and multiconfessional group, it aims to favour the integration of persons newly arrived and the defense of their rights. By virtue of this objective, it has a two-year mandate as a member of the Orientation Committee of the Montreal Centre for Inter-University Research on Immigration, Integration and Urban Dynamics […]

(MIC Mission News, Vol. XXVII, April-May-June 2000, p. 18)

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