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Winter 2024 Magazine

A choise... a decision

At any given moment, life presents us with choices... a beautiful walk in nature, a celebration, a cruise. Everything seems wonderful and exciting. But we may also feel the call for an inner journey… an invi­tation to get moving.


Sowing Joy and Hope with the Help of Animals

Living in a school with animals is not common practice in Hong Kong. However, it’s what we’ve been doing since 2013, and more and more people are getting to know the animals at Good Hope School.


Pilgrims... on the Road

A Choice… A Decision
–Marie-Paule Sanfaçon, M.I.C.
At the Source of M.I.C. History (Haiti)
–Madeleine Grenier, m.i.c.
Account of a Journey to Compostela
–Rachel Duplessis
Getting Started
–Sylvie Bessette
Dante, Pilgrim of Hope
–Emmanuel Bélanger
Living Thanksgiving in Haiti’s Current Situation
–Marie-Rosette Lafortune, M.I.C.
The Whisper of a Gentle Breeze
–Marie-Claude Barrière
A Journey to Celebrate the Beauty of the Universe
–Laurent Bouchard
Return to Africa After 22 Years in Hong Kong
–Jacintha Henry, M.I.C.
Mary in the Image of a Nomadic People
–Anne-Marie Forest
With You, O Lord
–Léonie Therrien, M.I.C.


 Autumn Magazine 2024

A Banquet!

For World Mission Sunday, October 20, Pope Francis issued an invitation that is not to be missed: Go and invite everyone to the wedding. God espouses humanity. What a beautiful theme!



The presence of several M.I.C. Sisters from other countries who joined our mission in Latin America has left its mark on our history, as a spiritual legacy. This presence remains alive in our hearts.



At the Heart of Gratitude

A banquet !
–Marie-Paule Sanfaçon, M.I.C.
At the Source of M.I.C. History
–Louise Pagé, M.I.C.
 Gratitude at Heart
–Micheline Marcoux, M.I.C.
From Recognition to Gratitude
–Emmanuel Bélanger
The Memory of the Heart
–Marie-Claude Barrière
In Recognition of these People from Elsewhere
–Maurice Demers
–Sylvie Bessette
Recognition: Beyond the Word, an Experience
–Lise Tremblay, M.I.C.
Gratitude at the Heart of Protecting Nature
–Rachel Duplessis
–Ederlina Torres, M.I.C.
 With You, O Lord
–Léonie Therrien, M.I.C.

Summer Magazine 2024

A Grain in the Earth

No matter how small, every grain thrown into the earth produces a harvest. Multiplied, it becomes food, brings comfort and saves lives. However, there is a requirement to this production: in the earth, this grain must die... (cf. Jn 12:24).


At the Heart of Solidarity

Times of crisis are turning points in people’s lives, both personal and social. A person may find in it an opportunity to grow and succeed, but the opposite is also true: the situation can lead to regression and frustration.


Au coeur de la Solidarité

A Grain in the Earth
–Marie-Paule Sanfaçon, M.I.C.
At the Source of M.I.C. History
Anthea Raso, M.I.C.
Fragments of Light
Marie-Claude Barrière
The Art of Bearing Together
 Anne-Marie Forest
Solidarity as a Principle of Social Life
Emmanuel Bélanger
At the Heart of Solidarity
 Maricris B. Diuyan, M.I.C.
Living Among the Excluded
 Maurice Demers
Great Solidarity
Marie-Paule Sanfaçon, M.I.C.
Solidarity in Our Faith
Sylvie Bessette
Live with Love and Bear Witness with Joy
Pham Thi Dieu Hien, M.I.C.
With You, O Lord
–Léonie Therrien, M.I.C.



Spring Magazine 2024

Stopping to Contemplate 

When I saw Martin Beaupré’s painting Il n’y a pas de séparation entre nous et l’univers, I was captivated by its beauty and depth.

It transports us to the heart of infinity, where we discover a Presence.

A Meditation on Beauty

 "In everything which gives us the pure and authentic feeling of beauty there really is the presence of God. There is as it were an incarnation of God in the world and it is indicated by beauty". Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace



At the Heart of the Beauty

Stopping to Contemplate
–Marie-Paule Sanfaçon, M.I.C.
At the Source of M.I.C. History (Japan)
–Céline Bourbeau, M.I.C.
A Meditation on Beauty
–Emmanuel Bélanger
The Beauty of the World
–Sylvie Bessette
Beauty, Seeing with the Heart
–Rachel Duplessis
At the Heart of Beauty
–Mégane Abel
A Legacy to Build On
–Agathe Durand, M.I.C.
Fiery Hearts and Moving Feet
–Murielle Dubé, m.i.c.
Kyoko’s Big Heart
–Marie-Paule Sanfaçon, M.I.C.
With You, O Lord
–Léonie Therrien, M.I.C.


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© 2019 - Presse Missionnaire MIC / MIC Missionary Press
Numérisation des documents / Documents scanning: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Les Sœurs Missionnaires de l'Immaculée-Conception

Conception graphique / Graphic Design: Sednove
