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Pastoral counselling in Malawi

08 August 2017

Pastoral counselling in Malawi

How valuable to be able to count on someone’s help to get a clearer view of one’s life and to improve one’s being and commitment! The accompaniment of persons is at the heart of Sr. Huguette Ostiguy’s present ministry on African soil.

By Huguette Ostiguy, m.i.c.


I left for Zambia, Africa, in 1973. I was 30 years of age. I quickly immersed myself in the world of African women. At the Community Centre of Chikungu, the formation of young girls included literacy classes, courses of cooking, sewing, handicrafts, agriculture… and of course, religious education. For me, those were years of sharing the life and values of the people, years of intense work and marvellous discoveries. So, too, were the years I lived in Malawi, at the Marymount Secondary School of Mzuzu. I was then matron of around 400 boarders, young girls called to play a vital role in the social transformation os their country. Sience 1993, I have been working in counselling as part of a pastoral ministry of the diocese of Mzuzu. Today, looking back at the path travelled, I see a continuous thread in my missionary journey: my presence amonf young poeple and women and my solidarity with them […]

(MIC Mission News, Vol. XXVIII, April-May-June 2001, p.04)

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